1、你也不必特意敷衍 ,假意诚恳 ,我这二十几年不至于白活 ,是否真心待我 我还是勉强能看穿 。
you do not have to deliberately perfunctory, false sincerity, I will not live in vain for twenty years, whether really treat me I can barely see through.
2、如果我用你待我的方式来对待你, 恐怕你早就离开了。
If I had treated you the way you treated me, I'm afraid you would have left already.

think you are always more active than you, love you will never be bored, the emotional world is not so much why, most willing is the best answer.
the most superficial feeling, a wrong is worth a hundred good.

never forgive intentional injury! He is using action and acting to tell you, softhearted most worthless.
6、我从未向任何人袒露过我的心声, 如果你见过我脆弱的一面 ,那么你肯定是我最信任的人。
I have never exposed my heart to anyone, if you have seen my vulnerable side, then you must be my most trusted people.

7、我原本是很可爱的 满眼全是你,可现在你让我觉得我就像个怨妇一样,变得恶语相向 心存怨恨 眼里全是失望 。
I was very cute eyeful is all you, but now you make me feel like I am like a woman, become bitter, bitter eyes full of disappointment.
8、没有谁有义务陪你一起长大,半路上谁离开了也正常,但请你用绝对的理智和清醒,去压制自己内心的难受和爱 。
no one has the obligation to accompany you to grow up, halfway who left is normal, but please use the absolute sense and sober, to suppress their own inner affliction and love.

life has ten thousand kinds of possibilities, every stage, we have a different Dachedawu.
早安祝福语大全: 愿你每一步都绽放光彩,每一天都满载喜悦与成就01-06
文案 | 把烦心事丢掉 腾出地方放鲜花01-06